Youth Accounts

Empower Your Child's Financial Future

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Youth Accounts

iQ is here every step of the way to help your child flourish on their financial journey.

Whether it is with our online financial education resources, our seamless online banking - where you can track your child’s account and even make transfers and deposits – in person with our uniQue Adventure series of educational boxes and prizes, or on-campus with our branch programs in local high schools. Our goal is to walk with you, arm-in-arm on your child’s journey to financial adulthood. Explore all our unique youth account options today!

  • Kid

    For all children age 0-17

  • Smartphone-Money

    Easy access through our mobile app and online banking

  • Mountains2

    Celebrate key money saving milestones

  • Mula

    Teens can learn to manage their own checking accounts

  • Brain-Book

    Our Adventure Box series help you explore money concepts with your child

  • Computer-Card

    View and manage your child’s account easily through online banking, including transfers and deposits

  • NoMoney

    No check cashing or low balance fees

Apply Now

Ready to Get Started?

  • Bank
  • call_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48


Send your young explorers to CashCamp 

CashCamp is open! Our new child banking app is here to help anyone with a youth account explore the world of finance with fun features to help them make the most of their account:

  • Passing-Money

    Set up easy, automatic allowance transfers

  • Food4

    Assign chores in the app, when chores are completed and checked off, cash will be transferred directly into kids bank account

  • Handshake

    Teach your kids to borrow responsibly with a CashCamp loan. Kids can learn the basics of loans and interest by borrowing from their parents

  • Mountains

    Hit the trail and start climbing the mountain towards savings! Set a savings goal, and earn a trophy when you hit it.

  • Trophy

    Earn trophies for reaching savings goals and completing tasks Compete with siblings to see who can climb the CashCamp leaderboard!

CashCamp is free and available now in Digital Branch

Youth Accounts

  • Young Explorers: Ages 0 - 12

    Discover a new financial adventure with iQ and our Young Explorers accounts!

    Our new revamped Young Explorers account is an opportunity for your child to start their financial journey on the right path. As your child makes deposits, you can keep track using their Deposit Record Keeper. With more deposits comes more rewards, all built into the account to keep it fun, engaging, and well – rewarding!

    Plus our Adventure series of educational boxes make it fun and easy to launch the financial adventure with your child – with practical teaching moments and real-life experiences, they’ll grow their money-savvy almost as fast as they grow out of their shoes. 

    You can open an account for your child and get an Adventure Box at any iQ Credit Union branch.

    Visit Us


Youth Shares

Rates Effective as of March 30, 2022
Balance Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield* Title-Date More Info
$0+ 0.050% 0.05%

* Fees could reduce earnings on this account. Rate may change at any time after account is open. Youth accounts are for individuals aged 0-17. Click here for full account disclosures.

Money Management

Embark on a new financial adventure with your child when you explore our Youth Accounts

Teaching your kiddos, the basics of money management is one of the best life lessons you can give them. Whether you are showing them how to save their allowance with a piggy bank or helping them earn money for their first car, learning how to take charge of their money is an experience that parents need to share with their children. They are never too young to learn how to do more with their money.

iQ has financial literacy tools and education courses to help parents teach their children about money, including learning more about credit unions, banking services, saving strategies, and how to plan for the future.

Our financial literacy programs are specifically designed for you to share with your students from kindergarten through high school, teaching them the fundamentals of personal money management and giving them skills that will last a lifetime.

To learn more about our youth banking services, contact your local iQ Credit Union branch.

To get started, why not download our guide,  10 Money Management Strategies for 18-Year-Olds?

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to open an account?

Eligibility for membership:

  • Any person who lives, works, or attends school in the State of Washington
  • Any person who lives or works in the following six Oregon counties: Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River, Multnomah, Washington or Yamhill
  • Any immediate family member of an existing iQ member. This includes:
    • Spouse, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles; also including “half” and “step” siblings, parents, and grandparents; and
    • Domestic partner of a member
  • Members of the Pacific Foundation for Blind Children (PFBC) who live or work within the state of Oregon
  • Certified or Classified school employee within southwest Washington
  • Businesses (Sole Prop, LLC, Partnership, Corp) that are legal entities within the State of Washington
  • Businesses (Sole Prop, LLC, Partnership, Corp) located within the following six Oregon counties: Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River, Multnomah, Washington or Yamhill

Minimum deposit to open an account:

  • General Membership (18 and older)- $5.00
  • Minor Accounts (17 and younger)- $5.00
  • Non-Profit Organizational Accounts- $5.00
  • Business Accounts- $5.00

Other Requirements:

  • Government-issued ID with photo with current address: Driver’s license, State ID, U.S. Passport, U.S. Armed Forces ID card
  • Your Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Current rental agreement, utility bill or mortgage statement for address verification

Identification for Children & Students (Ages 17 & under):

  • Primary ID for minor children is their parent or guardian
  • For High School students (age 17 & under)
    • State-issued Driver’s Intermediate License
    • State-issued Driver’s Instruction Permit
    • State-issued ID Card
    • Student ID Card– must be current school year 

How do I get my box?

Any new Young Explorers account will receive an Adventure box, these can be picked up at any branch location near you! For those who already have a youth account, use your new deposit tracker and once you reach 10 deposits redeem for your very own education box!

I need a new record keeper--how do I get one?

If you need a new record keeper or have filled up the previous one, come into your branch and pick up a new one anytime!

What's in the boxes?

Our education boxes are curated to include engaging and educational games and toys to stimulate your child’s growth and confidence with money! These boxes will begin a lifelong financial journey for your youth!

Can I add a checking account?

Yes, you can add a checking account to your child’s account. Contact us at 360.695.3441.

Can I set up an account for someone who isn't my kid?

Yes. The “guardian” must be at least 18 years of age to serve as “joint” on the account.

Can my child have an account even if I don’t?

You do not need an account at iQ to open a youth account. You will, however, have to serve as “joint” on the youth account. We recommend opening an account with iQ though! Through our mobile and online banking platform you will be able to monitor and directly transfer your child’s account with ease!